SMASHDOCs for Book production

Proofreading and producing books can be so simple

SMASHDOCs for Book production

Proofreading and producing books can be so simple

The Problem

Proofreading and producing books used to be a real challenge

Reviewing manuscripts with MS Word or Google Docs with everyone else involved is tiresome. And time-consuming.
  • —Many versions of one document that have to be managed
  • Even more suggested changes and decisions about them
  • —Keeping track of new changes and comments upon receiving a new version
  • —Consolidating multiple versions into one new version ("collating")
  • —Countless comments, notes, and e-mails that have to be managed
    And then everything has to be manually converted to XML, InDesign, etc.
    That in itself can take hours.

    Now it's all a thing of the past.
    SMASHDOCs for book production
    Proofreading and producing books up to 10x faster than before
    Suchbegriff, smashdocs, smashdoc, smash docs, smashdogs, smashdocs, smashdocs net, smachdocs, my smashsdocs, word alternative, google docs alternative, word online bearbeiten, textverarbeitung online
    Entirely new capabilities
    Web-based proofreading
    No more sending Word documents or paper back and forth
    Simultaneous editing
    No more waiting for new versions
    All in one document
    The end of the clutter of different versions
    Automatic collating
    Everyone works in the same document that saves everything automatically
    Intelligent track changes
    Automatic highlighting of new changes and conversations
    Indexing - just made easy
    Create and manage any number of indices in your document - with just a few clicks... learn more
    1-click issue in any format
    No costly, time-consuming Word-to-XML-/InDesign conversion
    Produce reprints without Word
    Just keep working in SMASHDOCs
    —Become more attractive to authors
    Authors also don't want the mess of different versions.
    Production manager of a large German publishing group after a SMASHDOCs demo
    Fiction books
    Offer a modern author platform that goes against the trend of self-publishing.
    Scientific Publications
    Faster editing is your new, best competitive advantage.
    Magazines and expert information
    Speed up your editorial processes.